We are one Holly, Catholic and Apostolic Church in the Anglican Rite, Founded on the Doctrine of the Apostles. That we have the Word of God (Bible) as a column and bastion of truth, preserving the Tradition of the Catholic Church since the Christian beginnings, and driven by the Holy Spirit, we turn to Reason.

We intend to teach the vision of our ministry, which is none other than what God determined from the beginning to form his people. The Lord our God loved Abraham by pure grace, and called him for a specific purpose, to show the world and future generations that he is the God of the impossible. With two beings who in the eyes of man were nothing, Abraham and Sarah, one old man almost on the verge of death, and the other barren, God formed a people that to this day conquers the world and shows his glory.

We are apostolic Anglican Catholic Christians with valid apostolic succession. Our clergy is made up of bishops, priests, and deacons validly ordained in the Apostolic Succession.

We are fully Anglican, fully Catholic, fully apostolic, fully charismatic, and fully evangelical. We pray and look forward to the time when once again the unity that Jesus prayed for in John 17:21 will come into existence among all believers in him. We patiently await that unity (without uniformity) which the early Church enjoyed in apostolic times. Our churches practice unconditional love toward all as Our Lord Jesus practiced.